Near paperless document management and e-filing
System Features
Document management system with LibreOffice suite integrated into the CDP and CRM
Open Data Format compliant word processor, spreadsheet, draw and presentation programs
All documents stored in a secure SQL database which supports nine different file formats
Document import, export and conversion facility which supports fifteen different file formats

Document Management
User defined electronic filing index in tree view format with fast drag and drop file management
Dynamic linking of documents to customer and staff profiles as well as saving to the e-filing index tree
Powerful document console with extensive filters for fast document scan, import, search and retrieval
Data Merge
Extensive merge fields from customer profiles and other management areas in the CDP
Personalised bulk (mass) mailing blasts to status segmented marketing groups
Automated e-mail, fax and postal mail document transmission with failure reports
Flexible document templates with merge fields integrated to specified system reports
CiMSO DOCmanager
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Connect Software Suite
Single or bulk blast e-mail, SMS, fax and snail-mail communications software:
→ COMMunicator
→ DOCmanager
→ MAILmerger
→ SMSmanager
→ PHONEmanager
→ FAXmanager