Controlling accounts receivable and accounts payable
System Overview
GAAP and IAS compliant double entry accounting system with AHLA and IFRS reporting
General ledger (nominal ledger) integrated to sales (debtors AR) and purchases (creditors AP)
Inventory (stock) ledger with warehouse, stores, bins and multi-level procurement control
Unlimited cash books, asset registers, levies ledgers and a range of secondary ledgers
Integrated transaction processing with points of sales for retail and food & beverage outlets

Accounts Receivable (Debtors)
Open item debtors ledger with unlimited, configurable debtors control accounts
Unlimited, configurable account statuses with black list warnings at all outlets and transaction points
Configurable, rule based ageing bins which supports periods beyond 365 days
Configurable, rule based credit limits and finance charges (interest) on outstanding balances
Configurable levies, levy types and invoicing batches for membership and timeshare billing
Pro forma invoicing ledger with actual invoices raised only on receipt of payments (for levies)
Unlimited, configurable discount matrixes by debtor statuses, stock groups and time spans
Transaction Processing
Fast processing of quotes, requisitions, invoices, payments, reversals, refunds and credit notes
Fast search for products, services or charges via item code, description or barcode scanning
Staff to transaction links with configurable staff commission processing
Integrated touch screen points of sale (PoS) processing for shops, bars and restaurants
Accounts Payable (Creditors)
Open item creditors ledger with unlimited, configurable creditors control accounts
Unlimited, configurable account statuses with rule based credit limits and finance charges
Configurable, rule based ageing bins which support ageing periods exceeding 365 days
Transaction Processing
Fast processing of orders, stock purchases, goods returned notes, payments and reversals
Fast search for products, services or charges via item code, description or barcode scanning
Creditors transaction management console with extensive filters and configurable reports
Seamless integration to the procurement system with purchase order to goods receipt conversion
Configurable creditor lists for payment batches with discount by percentage or amount
Cheque printing console with configurable stationery layout and data merge fields
Cheque printing process by batch with cheque numbers, batch status and reprint controls
Fast bulk remittance runs with bulk print and digital transmission via fax and e-mail
Hold payment console with hold payment transaction view grid and release control
Bulk GIRO payment transaction processing integrated to banks and financial institutions
Local server or computer
Distributed replicating servers
Cloud server
Full documentation (SOP based)
On-site, in person training
Live online or webinar training
Business hours phone and mail
Online chat and remote access
Live 24/7 emergency support
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Software for GAAP, IAS and IFRS financial control to balance sheet: