General Ledger with cash books and bank reconciliation
System Overview
GAAP and IAS compliant double entry accounting system with AHLA and IFRS reporting
General ledger (nominal ledger) integrated to sales (debtors AR) and purchases (creditors AP)
Inventory (stock) ledger with warehouse, stores, bins and multi-level procurement control
Unlimited cash books, asset registers, levies ledgers and a range of secondary ledgers
Integrated transaction processing with points of sales for retail and food & beverage outlets

General Ledger
Tree view drag 'n drop chart of accounts with unlimited financial subcategories and statuses
Multiple companies ledger with unlimited revenue centres, cost centres and departments
Unrestricted future financial periods with period closure by specified financial department
Unlimited, configurable tax types and levies
Tax schedules with rule based tax calculations and currency rounding
Financial budgeting with multiple budget types and importing of budgets from spreadsheets
AHLA compliant operational budgeting for lodging room occupancy and seatings in restaurants, cafes and bars
Transaction Processing
Fast journal transactions with batching and multiple configurable approval levels
Automatic accounting instructions (AAI’s) for specified work flow processes
Reporting consoles with extensive filters for user designed reports and BI statistics
Proprietary report designer to generate custom financial statements and reports
Cash Books
Unlimited cash books with transaction batch types and templates for recurring processing
Auto batch generation for bulk creditors payments processed directly from creditors console
Configurable batch generation for transactions imported from bank statements
Application provider interface (API) for data exchange with devices and 3rd party applications
Direct interfaces to financial institutions for credit card and GIRO payments
User access controlled by two processes requiring encrypted NIST compliant passwords
User work process restrictions controlled by configurable multi-level security pre-sets
User access monitoring with controls for banned passwords and multiple login attempts
Specified data encrypted and stored in compliance with GDPR and PCI requirements
System generated audit logs for specified user activities within the general (nominal) ledger, revenue and cost centres, cash book and budgeting processes
Quick search and audit reports on specified data fields within the audit log tables
Local server or computer
Distributed replicating servers
Cloud server
Full documentation (SOP based)
On-site, in person training
Live online or webinar training
Business hours phone and mail
Online chat and remote access
Live 24/7 emergency support
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Identify Software Suite
Software for GAAP, IAS and IFRS financial control to balance sheet: