Top five benefits of integrated Golf and Club Management Software
A relentless drive to improve service delivery to golf club members has seen leading golf clubs migrate to integrated, client-centric Golf and Club Management Software. Today we consider the benefits of using such integrated solutions, also known as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or “end-to-end” software solutions.
Integrated Golf and Club Management software integrates the management of main business processes, in real-time, to collect, store, manage, and interpret data from all main business activities of the club – essentially a collaboration of specialised software, designed to work seamlessly together, without external interfaces or “gateways”.
What are the benefits of using an integrated Golf and Club Management software solution such as the CiMSO ERP Suites?
1. Seamless Integration Improves Business Processes
Legacy software systems are transaction centric in design. They provide management facilities for a limited number of business processes – primarily those focused on transaction processing. ERP software, on the other hand, integrates all business processes seamlessly and provides management facilities for all the processes. The result is improved productivity of employees and enhanced service delivery to members.
As an example: In clubs using CiMSO ERP software all golfer purchases at the halfway-house, are processed by first identifying the golfer’s membership status to determine the applicable price for the goods. It then automatically grants the appropriate discounts or special promotions for the day, reduces the stock on hand for the halfway-house outlet, keeps a history of the Golfer’s preferences -even the choice of table, and writes all the required transactions to the income statement and balance sheet.
2. Reduced Cost of Ownership
Legacy software interfaces programs and devices from different vendors – with each vendor delivering support for their system only. This often leads to vendors playing the blame game when users require support – leaving users frustrated and without expeditious resolution.
ERP software incorporates all the required programs in a single suite and offers a single point of contact for support, service and even device maintenance. As the saying goes: “the buck stops there”.
As an example: Compare CiMSO ERP software’s integrated solution with the cost of nine separate software programs for the following key business processes:
- Customer Relations (CRM) software
- Stock and Procurement software
- Point-of-Sale software for F&B and Pro-Shop
- Membership Management and Loyalty software
- Golf Course Management software
- Marketing and Communication software
- On-line Mobile Golf Reservation software
- Event and Conference software
- Full Financial Accounting software
Supporting and maintaining the interfaces for the above nine systems requires the time, energy, and collaboration of nine vendors, each with their own pricing and support desk. Clubs are able to reduce cost of ownership substantially through the reduction in license fees and support costs which are achieved by migrating to an integrated ERP solution.
3. Next Generation Technology
Meeting the diverse needs of affluent club members requires effective management and fast problem resolution – requirements that are difficult to meet in the multiple siloed systems and overlapping databases of old generation legacy software.
CiMSO ERP software integrates next-generation technology into club management processes, thereby improving service delivery and problem resolution.
As an example: Colour coded booking displays distinguish multi-baller, single or cross-over bookings as well as golfer and membership status, with fast filtering and allocation of preferred co-golfers and caddies. Dynamic green fees management integrates to golfer and membership status, seasons and time of day, to ensure optimal course usage. Integrated bookings and procurement with multiple approval levels provide effective control over stock transfers, requisitions, orders, and purchases.
4. Customer Centric Design
Understanding and meeting members needs are paramount to sustained membership growth in clubs. Personalised service delivery promotes loyalty and stimulates organic growth. Effective communication and exclusive service delivery are big influencers in the club environment.
CiMSO ERP software provides extensive membership status management which facilitates preferential membership fees, green fees and a host of club services. The system integrates SMS and email communications into the client data platform and client relationship management (CRM) system.
As an example: Members and guests remain updated via SMS, email and blog communications from the CRM system with online golf reservations and activities booked from the comfort of their phones.
5. Modular Software at Scaled Pricing
Legacy software is based on rigid pricing structures and old generation pricing models.
CiMSO’s ERP software introduces a far more flexible and dynamic pricing model. The CiMSO suites comprise modular programs, allowing clubs to acquire only the programs required for their specific processes. Features and new integrations may be added when required. License pricing is also scaled to the country of operation as well as the size of a club – making the software suites affordable to all clubs, regardless of domicile or size.
As an example: Some clubs may not require integration to a local Golfing Association or handicap system – these integrations may be added when required. The same applies to features such as Banqueting and Event Management which provides event quotes, function sheets and invoicing. Clubs that provide lodging facilities may also add the INNkeeper property management system (PMS), the HOUSEkeeper module or WORKshop for maintenance help desk control.
These five benefits of using integrated Golf and Club Management Software provides a guideline and index to compare currently available software solutions.
Please contact CiMSO for a no-obligation demonstration of the CiMSO ERP Suites which include programs like GOLFmanager, CLUBmanager, EVENTmanager, SHOPkeeper and Restaurateur.

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