
CiMSO dealing with South Africa’s VAT

3rd May 2018
Johan Marais

This year the South African Government announced an increase in VAT of 1%. Although this is something that does not occur very often because of economics, political and finance reasons, your business software should be able to deal with these changes, quickly, efficiently and effectively.

During February 2018, CiMSO dealt with this change by sending a “How-to-guide” to all its South African customers on how to update the VAT charge from 14% to 15%. This document was also made available on

CiMSO’s South African VAT Adjustment Guideline includes:
 Definitions, Purpose & FAQ
 SA Revenue Services Pocket Guide
 Step-by-step configuration update
 Effects on prices/products/services

“CiMSO customers were able to do these changes themselves using the step-by-step guide. If our customers still needed help, they were able to call our CiMSO Support Helpdesk for assistance”, says Keishia Robinson, CiMSO Document & Training Controller.